The Great Plains During World War II

Suggestions for Additional Research


"All Young Farmers in County Made 1-A" Denver Post 2/16/45

"All Young Farmers Made 1-A by Jefferson County Board" Denver Post 2/16/45

"Vivian Urges Uniforms For Young Farm Help" Denver Post 4/20/43

"Farmers Affected By New Selective Service Rulings" Wichita Eagle 12/15/44

"Seeking More War Prisoners For N.M. Farm Labor" Roswell Daily Record 6/1/44

"30,000 War Prisoners Needed for Farm Work" Dallas Morning News 3/25/44

"Farmers Expect Prisoners Soon" Albuquerque Journal 9/24/43

"Prisoners at Phillips Used as Farm Help" Salina Journal 5/18/43

"Harvest Wage to Be $7-10 a Day" Salina Journal 6/16/45

"City Civic Clubbers Discover Cotton Picking's Not So Soft" Daily Oklahoman 10/10/42

"First Southern Laborers to Arrive Tuesday" Bismarck Tribune 8/3/45

"Navajo Indians Begin Lambing Jobs in Wyoming" Wyoming Eagle 4/4/45

"3,000 Mexican Harvest Workers Due in N.D. Soon" Bismarck Tribune 7/21/44

"Mexican Workers May Come Here" Bismarck Tribune 7/1/45

"Farmers Told how to Obtain Jap Evacuees" Denver Post 9/1/42

"Farmers to Mine in Slack Period" Albuquerque Journal 11/14/43

"Farm Labor Urged to Take Winter Jobs in Industry" Wyoming Eagle 10/26/43

"City Folk to Aid of Harvest" Wichita Eagle 5/14/44

"War Prisoners to Work on Montana Farm" Bismarck Tribune 6/19/44

"Postal Employees To Pick Cotton" Dallas Morning News 10/10/44

"Women's Land Army is Doing Big Job in State" Denver Post 9/28/44

"New Job for Women—Sheep Shearing" Omaha World Herald 3/15/43

"Your Mexican Hired Hand" Dakota Farmer 7/7/45

"Mexicans Aid in State Harvest" Rapid City Daily Journal 2/5/45

"Suggest Training of Women Farmers" Wichita Eagle 10/23/43

"Clothes Designs Especially for Farm Women at Work Planned" Wyoming Eagle 1/14/42

"Kansas Farmers Worried About Food for Laborers" Bismarck Tribune 6/13/45

"Pea Crop's in, Thanks to Volunteers" Omaha World Herald 6/25/43

"Men at War, Wheat Harvest is Story of Women in Fields" Daily Oklahoman 6/27/43

"Guardsmen Battle to Save Crops, City Labor Encourages Farmers" Dallas Morning News 6/14/43

"Gov. Vivian Renews Demands Army Farmers Be Released" Denver Post 4/16/43

"Western Farmers Are Told to Solve Labor Problems" Denver Post 5/21/42

"Parents Urged to Help Keep Farm Boys Home" Daily Oklahoman 12/18/41


"Farmers Will Get Essential New Machines Wyoming Eagle 7/16/42

"Farmers Guarantee Machine Parts Only Until February" Denver Post 11/2/41


"Service Men Look Forward to Farming When War Ends" Bismarck Tribune 3/24/44


"US will Ask Bigger Crops in Colorado" Denver Post 10/12/41

"State Food Goals" Salina Journal 10/4/41

"Electrification of Farms Boost War Food Production" Wyoming State Tribune-Leader and Wyoming Eagle 7/25-28/1944

"Reduction in Sugar Acreage is Predicted" Wyoming State Tribune-Leader and Wyoming Eagle 11/26/40

"As Tires Grow Tired" Successful Farming 6/1/42

"University Extension Official Sees Return of Horse on Farm" Wyoming Eagle 1/30/42

"Livestock Population of State at Peak" Wyoming State Tribune-Leader and Wyoming Eagle 07-25-28-44

"War Crop Acreage to Drop, Lack of Loans Called Factor" Omaha World Herald 2/20/44

"Cattle Thefts Increase in State" Albuquerque Journal 2/20/43

"This is Going to be Tough!: Farm Machinery Will Be Hard to Get" Dakota Farmer 11/14/42

"Last Year's Record Farm Output is Base for Bigger Production" Rapid City Daily Journal 2/26/42

Agriculture—war effect

"How Will War Affect the Farmer?" Farmer-Stockman 9/15/39


"Thousand Cheer Premiere of Denver-at-War Exposition" Denver Post 1/24/44

"Denver-at-War Exposition Will Be Extended Two Days" Denver Post 1/26/44

"Calf Auction Nets $5,700,000 in War Bonds at Premiere" Omaha World Herald 2/10/44


"Two-Day State Holiday is Proclaimed" Denver Post 8/15/45

"Denver Returns to Normal After Celebrating Victory" Denver Post 8/17/45

"Second Night of Celebration in Denver Orderly, Say Police" Denver Post 8/16/45

"Only Two Injured Seriously in Denver Peace Celebration" Denver Post 8/15/45

"Dallasites Want Sirens' Wail to Signal Nazis' Surrender" Dallas Morning News 8/6/44

Child Care

"Day Nurseries Planned Here" Wyoming State Tribune 6/24/43

"School's Out! Nursery Plans Rushed to Aid War Workers" Daily Oklahoman 5/29/43

"Higher Rates for Children's Centers Loom" Denver Post 9/3/45


"Scout Leaders Discuss Defense" Billings Gazette 12/13/41

"S.D. to Have Surprise Blackout This Month" Rapid City Daily Journal 4/7/43

"Full Dress 'Bomber Raid' Is Scheduled for Enid" Daily Oklahoman 9/23/42

"Nerve Center of City's Defense" Daily Oklahoman 11/15/42

"If Dallas is Bombed What Would YOU Do?" Dallas Morning News 2/21/43

"Oklahoma City CAN Be Bombed" Daily Oklahoman 11/15/42

Defense Raids

"Civilian Defense Volunteer Office to Open Here" Omaha World Herald 12/11/41

"Omaha Meets Raid Test" Omaha World Herald 2/1/43

"2,500 City Air Raid Wardens Being Issued Special Arm Bands" Daily Oklahoman 8/20/42

"All Denver Homes Will Get Blackout Inspection" Denver Post 8/27/42

"It All Goes Black" Salina Journal 12/8/42


"500 New Homes to Relieve Housing Shortage in Dallas" Dallas Morning News 3/31/45

"Build Homes in Bellevue" Omaha World Herald 11/28/41

"Defense Housing Project Family Likes Security From Moving" Wichita Eagle 8/24/41

"Landlords Urged to keep Rents at Normal Levels" Bismarck Tribune 5/1/44

"Rooms Fade Away For Navy Wives" Daily Oklahoman 5/16/44


"Spawned of War, Omaha's DDT Industry is Now Booming Business" Omaha World Herald 9/23/45


"Last Resident of Amache Camp Leaves" Denver Post 10/15/45

"Colorado Japs Flocking to Fat Jobs in Illinois" Denver Post 3/6/45

"Japs Evacuees Will Return to Homes on Coast After Jan. 1" Denver Post 12/18/44

"2,507 of Released Jap Camp Residents Settle in Colorado" Denver Post 5/25/44

"Anti-Jap Bill Dies in Colorado Senate" Denver Post 2/9/44

"Amanche Relocation Camp Japs Get Good Food and Plenty of It" Denver Post 2/19/43

"State Has No Voice in Pay at Jap Camp" Wyoming Eagle 8/13/42

"First Group of West Coast Jap Evacuees on Way to Cody Camp" Wyoming Eagle 8/11/42

"Omaha Engineers Build City for 10 Thousand Japanese" Sunday World-Herald 8/2/42

"Rumor Jap Camp To Be Built South of City" Roswell Daily Record 4/21/42

"No Jap in State" Salina Journal 4/2/42

"Carr Says Colorado Will Take Evacuated Japs if Called On" Denver Post 3/1/42

"415 Jap Aliens Arrive at Fort" Bismarck Tribune 2/9/42

"Japanese Colony at Clovis Receives War News Calmly" Amarillo Globe 12/8/41


"Vital Jobs Remains for Labor" Omaha World Herald 9/15/44

"Supper at 8 am is Becoming Commonplace For Wichita's Defense Workers" Wichita Eagle 12/7/41

"Many Workers Needed in Denver Meat Plants" Denver Post 9/25/45

"Police Department Hard Hit As Armed Services Take Men" Wichita Eagle 5/13/42

"High School Grads Take Unusual Work" Rapid City Daily Journal 7/18/43

"Vacant Chair Always There" Omaha World Herald 3/11/45

"Smart Students Will Quit Jobs and Return to School" Wyoming Eagle 8/30/44


"School Children May be Allowed To Work" Rapid City Daily Journal 7/10/43

"City's U.S. Employment Office Places 1,000 in Jobs Monthly" Daily Oklahoman 11/15/42


"Vivian Offers Program for Defense Workers" Denver Post 10/31/43

"Agency Officials Attack City's Labor Problem" Daily Oklahoman 12/29/42

"15,000 Train For Jobs in City's Plants" Daily Oklahoman 11/15/42

"Tech School Approved for Defense" Dallas Morning News 7/10/40

Labor—post war

"476,541 Unemployed in Texas Foreseen for Postwar Period Dallas Morning News 5/12/44

"Colorado Realizes no Postwar Slump" Denver Post 9/7/45


"Liquor? You're in the Wrong City" Daily Oklahoman 11/2/42

"Law Divorcing Beer, Dancing Now In Effect" Daily Oklahoman 6/30/43

"New Liquor Licenses To Be Withheld Until After Victory" Wyoming State Tribune 8/1/45


"Hartman Will Check Watches of Civilian Defense Workers" Amarillo Globe 2/9/42

"Despite War, Omahans Keep Up Special Interests" Omaha World Herald 2/11/45

"Mid-West at War" Salina Journal 7/14/42

"Laundries Overworked, Owners Say" Dallas Morning News 5/5/43

"War Brings Many Changes in Lincoln" Lincoln Sunday Journal 1/31/43

"No Worry Over Rationing for Clever Hostesses" Omaha World Herald 2/10/45

"Defense Lure Brings Lack of Waitresses" Daily Oklahoman 11/4/41

"4-H Pledges War Support" Omaha World Herald 12/14/41

"Few Counties in State Cancel Their Fairs" Daily Oklahoman 7/22/42

"University Starts Health Program For Draftees" Daily Oklahoman 3/23/41

"Teachers of Denver Told to Emphasize Patriotism" Denver Post 9/3/41

"Army Gets Ready" Salina Journal 10/28/39

"Draft Objectors To Draw Program" Daily Oklahoman 1/31/41

"City is Canvassed For Contributions to Jewish Relief" Bismarck Tribune 1/14/39

"'Keep Peace' Says Bismarck's Legion" Bismarck Tribune 9/14/39

"State No Slacker" Salina Journal 9/18/41

"FBI Slates Defense School" Billings Gazette 11/14/41

"Advises Stay in School" Salina Journal 8/28/41

"But Keep Peace, Say Local Folk" Bismarck Tribune 5/27/40

"Finish Relief Fund Finds Support" Bismarck Tribune 1/26/40


"N.D. Nurses Urged to Serve With Army" Bismarck Tribune 12/10/41

"More Nurses are Needed, Parley Told" Wyoming State Tribune 7/25/43

"Nurses of Colorado Will Be Ready for War Defense Call" Denver Post 3/16/41

Post War

"Veteran Solves Own House Need with Garage; Offers to Help Others" Omaha World Herald 12/23/45

"Vets and Families Arriving at Colorado U. Trailer Homes" Denver Post 11/4/45

"Housing Rated No. 1 Problem in Denver" Denver Post 9/11/45

"Ickes Reports Requests from Interested Service Men Running at 3,000 a Month" Denver Post 6/10/45

"South Dakota Town Plans Free Lots For War Veterans" Denver Post 6/10/45

"Advocates Farm Settlements for Veterans of Wars" Roswell Daily Record 11/16/44

"Landlords Urged to Accepts Vets' Tots" Wyoming State Tribune 12/6/45

"New Housing Regulations are Outlined" Wyoming State Tribune 12/31/45

"Public Urged to Aid Vets Find Housing" Wyoming State Tribune 12/14/45

"After the War, What Will the Girl Workers Do? They’ll Get Into the Kitchen in a Hurry" Daily Oklahoman 6/13/43

"Remain in College Students Told by Sorority Speaker" Denver Post 8/26/42


"Germans At Fort Lincoln Make IT—Hot and Heavy" Bismarck Tribune 8/22/41

"Public May See Internment Camp Soon at Open House" Bismarck Tribune 6/2/41

"Few Changes Needed to Ready Fort Lincoln for Housing of Italian and German Seaman" Bismarck Tribune 5/13/41

"Still Not Sure When Fort Will Be Ready for Seaman" Bismarck Tribune 4/18/41

"Only Part of Ft. Lincoln To be Fenced for Sailors" Bismarck Tribune 4/16/41


"Tuesday to See Farm Mobilization; Texas Cotton Is Failure As War Unit" Dallas Morning News 1/11/43

"Rations on Farm" Salina Journal 4/2/43


"Will Have Rubber" Salina Journal 9/19/42

"4 Given Penalties in Hot Tire Trial; Gas Case Fines Made" Dallas Morning News 5/10/44

"Salina Already Realizes Absence of Gas Rationing" Salina Journal 9/8/45

"Denver Pupils to Gather Tons of Tin Monthly" Denver Post 1/3/44

"Laundry Truck is Equipped With Wood Tires" Amarillo Globe 2/24/42

"Colorado Given Only 475 Truck Tires for August" Denver Post 7/27/44

"System of Registering Car Owners Set Up Here" Salina Journal 10/30/42

"Must Share Rides" Salina Journal 10/21/42

"Must Prove Need" Salina Journal 12/17/42

"Gasoline Is Available for Farm Worker" Roswell Daily Record 11/3/42

"'A' Gas Ration Will Be Cut on March 22" Denver Post 3/14/44

"Kansas Allowed 1,802 New Cars" Salina Journal 2/25/42


"Fats and Waster Paper No. 1 U.S. Salvage Needs" Denver Post 1/9/44

"Housewives Urged to Turn in Waste Fats" Wyoming State Tribune 12/15/44

"Waste Fat Shipments Show Gain" Wyoming State Tribune 6/18/44


"3,400 Old Girdles Are Wanted in Amarillo" Amarillo Globe 6/18/42

"War Food Courses Set up in Schools" Bismarck Tribune 10/28/43

"Rationing Stamps To Be Made Good Indefinitely" Roswell Daily Record 3/27/44

"Hoarding Is Blamed As Tokens Run Short in Banks and Stores" Dallas Morning News 3/25/44

"Holiday Rationing Jitters Hits City Shoe Shops; What a Mob!" Daily Oklahoman 12/31/44

"'Vitamins for Defense' Will Be Cooking School Subject" Amarillo Globe 2/11/42

"Denverites Lost 16,949 Ration Books During '44" Denver Post 1/14/45

"Ration Boost May Bar Café Shutdown" Denver Post 7/26/45

"Denver Region Has Little Traffic In Fake Ration Stamps" Denver Post 7/11/45

"Denver Visitor Kills Himself By Long Leap" Denver Post 6/19/45

"Denver Stores Prepared to Issue Ration Tokens" Denver Post 2/27/44

"One-Third of Restaurants Face Change" Wyoming State Tribune 12/3/44

"Here are Ration Point Changes for January" Wyoming State Tribune 1/3/44

"You'll Have Less Food at Higher Prices Now with Point Rationing" Amarillo Globe 2/22/43

"Clip this Consumer Ration Form and Home, Fill It Out, Save Time" Amarillo Globe 2/7/43

"Pupils to Study Ration Methods in War Program" Lincoln Star 1/5/43

"Denver Grocers Amazed at Drastic Cut in Foods" Denver Post 2/22/43

"Washington Turns down Pleas of Cafá Owners" Denver Post 7/31/45

"City Cafes Win Ration Point Battle With Budget System" Daily Oklahoman 11/14/43


"Wives Ponder Ration Cut Back, Find Turkey Scraps Look Better" Daily Oklahoman 12/27/44

"Soldiers Here are Taught How to Handle Meat" Denver Post 6/25/44

"Canned Rattlesnake Meat in Victory Garden Exhibit" Omaha World Herald 8/30/43

"Urges Protein Foods to Take Place of Meat" Wyoming Eagle 10/10/42

"Horse Meat has Moved to the Table" Salina Journal 7/4/45

"Meat Shortage Reaches Acute Stage in Cheyenne" Wyoming Eagle 5/24/45

"Cattle Roam State's Pastures But Vegetable Dinners Remain" Daily Oklahoman 5/26/45


"Farm Conference Helps Women to Remodel Clothes" Denver Post 5/21/42

"Bulging Pocketbooks Star Wide Clothes Buying Spree" Bismarck Tribune 3/15/43

"Groceries to Be Distributed But Daily Now" Bismarck Tribune 1/16/42

"Ration Banking Difficulties Grow for Cheyenne Bankers" Wyoming Eagle 4/3/43

"Shoppers Throng Toy Departments to Buy Plastic, Wooden Presents" Dallas Morning News 12/3/44

"Materials for Many Repairs Are Available" Daily Oklahoman 4/12/42

"Rural Folks' Rights Aired by Women" Dallas Morning News 8/19/43

"Shoppers Warned of Paper Bag Shortage" Wyoming State Tribune 9/10/44

"All Amarillos' Chillun Got Shoes to Repair" Amarillo Globe 2/18/43

"Shoe Rationing May Be Peril to Growth of Feet" Denver Post 9/29/43

"Share-The-Ride Plan Launched at Wichita" Wichita Eagle 11/29/42

"Women-at-War New Better: Elastic Girdles on Way Back" Dallas Morning News 10/29/43

"Shoe Rationing Means Sale of More Footwear" Dallas Morning News 6/16/43

"Sale of Silk Hose Now is Breaking Wichita Records" Wichita Eagle 8/3/41

"Wichita Beacon Loses Appeal Against Government Penalty for Excessive Newsprint Use" Wichita Eagle 10/5/44

"Library Aids Waste Paper Salvage Here" Wyoming State Tribune 4/14/44

"Roll' Em Fashion in Cigaretless Falls City" Omaha World Herald 8/23/44


"Urging Wichitans to have Aluminum on Front Porches" Wichita Eagle 7/21/41


"Schools To Suspend for Sugar Registry" Denver Post 4/14/42

"Cafá Sugar Bowls to Vanish Thursday Until War is Ended" Denver Post 2/10/42

"Sign in for Sweets" Salina Journal 4/22/42

"Sugar Lack May Shut Bakeries Extra Day" Dallas Morning News 6/29/45

"Arrests Break up Huge Sugar Ring in Black Market" Dallas Morning News 6/16/45

"False Rumor Starts Denver Stampede to use Sugar Stamps" Denver Post 5/24/45

"Sugar is Not Being Used for Alcohol" Wyoming State Tribune 6/13/45

"Canning Sugar Not to be Issued Until Quotas are Drafted"Wyoming State Tribune36/1/45

"Canning Sugar Quota Reduced" Wyoming State Tribune 5/2/45

"Lack of Canning Sugar makes Fresh Fruit Drug on Market" Denver Post 7/5/45

"Rationing Hasn't Hurt Montana" Billings Gazette 1/1/44

Rationing—victory gardens

"Canning Army-Grown Corn" Dallas Morning News 6/20/43

"1,000,000 Gardens in Texas Back Yards is Food Goal of 1944" Dallas Morning News 2/6/44

"y Aid to Advise on Victory Gardens" Denver Post 4/4/44

"Victory Gardens Still Available" Bismarck Tribune 4/14/44

"N.D. Leads Nation in Series E Bond Sales Quota" Bismarck Tribune 5/9/44

"Victory Gardeners are Urged to Give Fodder to Farmers" Denver Post 9/27/44

"Produce from 42,000 Denver Victory Gardens Displayed" Denver Post 9/1/44

"Victory Gardeners Help Uncle Sam to Win War" Amarillo Globe 3/7/43

"'Only' 900 Quarts Last Year, Her Garden Must Do Better" Omaha World Herald 1/10/43

"Victory Gardens will be Available to Bismarckers" Bismarck Tribune 3/6/43

"Denver Victory Garden Produces Coffee Beans" Denver Post 8/18/43

"Statehouse Flower Beds May Become Victory Gardens" Wyoming State Tribune 3/8/43

"Canned Goods Production to Be Sharply Cut After Jan. 1" Wyoming Eagle 12/11/43

Schools—defense children

"Defense Village Youngsters Lack School Facilities Now" Wichita Eagle 9/8/41

Schools—issues faced

"Schools Join Plan to Retain War Teachers" Daily Oklahoman 5/17/42


"Schools Beset By Handicaps in Colorado" Denver Post 8/17/43

Schools—ration work

"Schools Get Set for Registration" Dallas Morning News 2/10/43

"Schools Plan Basketball, . . . . The Rationing Boards Control Athletic Fates" Salina Journal 12/1/42

"50,000 Students May be 'Grounded' By War" Salina Journal 4/23/42

Schools—teacher shortage

"State Teacher Shortage to be Severe in '45" Wyoming Eagle 8/30/45

"Schools Continue War Certifications" Denver Post 7/9/45

"New Wartime Theory Seems to be: Let Teacher, Not George, Do It" Amarillo Globe 5/6/42

"Many Colorado Schools Likely to Stay Closed" Denver Post 8/9/44

"Shortage of Teachers is Said Acute" Wyoming State Tribune 8/25/44

"Teachers are Scarce Despite Pay Raises" Wyoming State Tribune 8/8/44

Shortage of Teachers To Continue Wyoming State Tribune 5/2/44

"Some Rural Schools Not Able to Run" Wyoming Eagle 8/26/43

"Locks on Schools" Salina Journal 7/19/43

"Colorado to Lack 500 Teachers at Opening of Term" Denver Post 8/31/43

"Sees Teacher Shortage" Billings Gazette 7/30/41

"500 Teachers are Needed in Wyoming" Wyoming State Tribune 8/18/43

"A School Merger" Salina Journal 10/9/41

"List Inactive Teachers in Reserve Pool" Omaha World Herald 5/24/42

"Schools in County Face Big Problem as Teachers Quit" Wichita Eagle 4/15/42

"State Schools Need Seen as 400 Teachers" Daily Oklahoman 5/20/42

"Teachers going to War Work" Lincoln Star 2/2/43

Sexual Issues

"War Brings Sharp Increase in Girl's Sex Delinquencies" Dallas Morning News 4/7/43

"Curbing of Venereal Diseases Essential to National Defense, State Health Officer Declares" Wyoming Eagle 4/5/40

"1 in 20 of Draft Group has Syphilis" Daily Oklahoman 8/26/41

"Curfew for Women Discussed in Plans to Check Venereal Ills" Dallas Morning News 10/12/43

"Plans Laid to Take Drive on Venereal Ills Into Public Schools" Dallas Morning News 2/3/44

Social Concerns

"Senator Nye Defends Loyalty of State's German-Americans" Bismarck Tribune 1/18/43

"Full Loyalty Pledged by Cheyenne Japanese" Wyoming State Tribune-Leader and Wyoming Eagle 12/10/41

"Denver Japanese Youth Enlists in Air Corps at Fort Logan" Denver Post 1/21/42

Teenage Delinquency

"Detailed 'Teen Town' Proposal To Curb Delinquency Offered" Daily Oklahoman 1/25/44

"Conference on Juvenile Crime is Called Here" Wyoming Eagle 12/4/45

"Defense Group Slates Classes" Billings Gazette 2/7/42

Volunteer—aid to soldiers

"Dance for Colored Folk in Forum Here" Wichita Eagle 9/24/42

"Dance in Forum A Decided Success" Wichita Eagle 9/26/42

"Denver Response to Drive for Books For Men in Service" Denver Post 1/18/42

"Billings Red Cross Canteen Gets Emphatic 'O.K.' From Servicemen" Billings Gazette 12/20/42

"Women Will Visit Every Denver Home in Red Cross Drive" Denver Post 3/10/44

"10,800 Christmas Boxes for Wounded Service Men Overseas is Goal of Cheyenne Red Cross" Wyoming Eagle 8/2/45

"Canteen for R.C." Salina Journal 6/12/42

"Wichita's Two USO Clubs Planning Big Holiday Programs" Wichita Eagle 12/19/44

"Dallas Lags in Blood Giving As Boys Spill Theirs in Mud" Dallas Morning News 4/9/44

"War Dads give Hot Dog Party with Visiting Servicemen as Guests" Dallas Morning News 6/19/44

"Centers are Popular Here" Omaha World Herald 7/30/42

"Victory Command Ranks Open as 1,000 Girls Needed for Soldier Dances in Amarillo" Amarillo Globe 9/24/42

"Denver Women's Service Center Opens Wednesday" Denver Post 3/26/44


"Wichita Too Farm From Chicago to Be Blood Center" Wichita Eagle 4/16/43

War Production

"Wichita World's Greatest Manufacturer of Trainers" Wichita Eagle 5/30/45

"Denver Must Go All-Out in Vital Drive for Scrap" Denver Post 9/21/42

"'Spirit of Nebraska' Off to the Wars" Omaha World Herald 1/16/43

"Window Displays Show Denver War Production" Denver Post 10/6/43

"Kansas to Share in War Expansion" Salina Journal 4/25/42

"Midland Cannery Turns out Hundreds of Cans of Food for War Fronts; Community Projects In 14 Points in Montana Help Home Front" Billings Gazette 10/3/43

Women and War

"Social Work Parley to be Held Monday" Denver Post 6/3/45

Women at Work—miscellaneous

"Girl Reporter Discovers Eight Steps to Breaking Eggs, Work is Fun After Learning Rhythm Speeds Output" Omaha World Herald 4/16/44

Women/male work

"2,000 More Martin Plant Workers Needed at Once" Omaha World Herald 11/19/44

"Women in Special Woodworking Class At Defense School Here" Wichita Eagle 8/31/41

"First Feminine Pick and Shovel Gang at Work for Rio Grande" Denver Post 11/19/42

"Women Fill Places of Men at Laurel Shops as They Did in First World War" Billings Gazette 1/9/44

"Women Keep Trains Moving While Men Go Off to War" Daily Oklahoman 3/22/45

"Increasing Number of Women Learning Defense Trades" Salina Journal 1/8/42

"Now the Co-Eds Fly for Uncle Sam" Omaha World Herald 1/7/40

"Stillwater Fire Station Echoes with Girlish Giggles" Daily Oklahoman 2/16/42

"War Plant Race to Put Women Behind Men Behind the Guns" Daily Oklahoman 3/15/42

"Women to Train for Aircraft Jobs" Daily Oklahoman 4/6/42

"Men May Well Be Amazed at Jobs Women are Holding" Omaha World Herald 7/11/43

"Women to Fill 70 Percent of Douglas Jobs" Daily Oklahoman 3/8/43