The Great Plains During World War II

Fort Logan Designated
As Demobilization Post

Fort Logan, Colo., is one of eighteen posts of the nation where returning Yanks will be discharged from the army and returned to civilian life when the fighting ends, the war department announced Friday, according to a Washington dispatch.

As in 1918, Fort Logan will be the spot where thousands of soldiers of the Rocky Mountain area will bid farewell to uniforms and bugle calls. Such centers have been chosen on a basis of population densities. Others in the west include Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Fort Leavenworth, Kan., Fort Douglas, Utah, the Presidio at San Francisco and Fort Lewis, Wash.

Fort Logan officials had announced Thursday their post has been designated as one of eighteen throughout the country for carrying out of "certain army-wide personnel functions," including induction of newly drafted men and reprocessing of men returned from overseas for reassignment. They said Friday, however, that so far they have not been notified officially that the post also will be a discharge center.