The Great Plains During World War II

2,000 Mexican
Workers in N.D.

More than 2,000 Mexican sugar beet workers already are in the state and many of these will be available to North Dakota farmers when the haying harvesting seasons begin, the N.D. extension service said Thursday.

All have been brought into the state through the combined efforts of the extension service, the Untied States employment service and the American crystal Sugar Beet Company of Grand Forks.

"Except for some 200 who are working in the McKenzie county area, the workers for the most part have been placed in the Red River Valley, where the largest acreage of beets has been planted." H. W. Herbison, supervisor of the emergency farm labor program, said.

County extension agents throughout North Dakota now are completing a survey of farm labor needs so that arrangements can be made to bring in additional labor necessary for the small grain harvest.