Women Taking Hotel Jobs
Women will replace men in another sphere the first of May when 15 graduates of the Hotel Front Office Procedure school, sponsored by the Omaha Hotel association, are assigned to positions in local hotels.
These classes, conducted by the adult distributive division of the Omaha public schools, department of vocational education, under supervision of L. J. Jones and W. C. Cumming, are to train women for jobs of men who go to war.
Twenty-six women of various ages were selected by the hotel association from approximately 50 applicants. Their training program started March 23. Some had had experience as hotel maids and cateresses and telephone operators; others were housewives who had never been employed.
These trainees attended classes twice a week for five weeks and were required to be present at at least nine sessions. Elmer E. Schmidt, night clerk at the Hill hotel, was instructor.
Women learned how to make out hotel account sheets, distinguish registration cards and classify rooms. They were instructed in banquet and party prospectus. Representatives from the telephone company told them how to .record telephone calls and room reports, how to estimate tolls and long distance rates and to utilitize telephone personalities and voices. They memorized 10 points on room selling and put the rules into practice by dealing with prospective customers at local hotels. Classes were held at the Paxton, Blackstone and Castle hotels, where the trainees observed actual procedure of desk clerks whose jobs they will soon be assuming.
Trainees were awarded certificates at their final class session Thursday night at Technical High school. The Omaha Hotel association guaranteed to place graduates in local hotels. They wi1l be employed as desk clerks, which includes operation of PBX boards, waiting on guests, and general hotel management.
Mrs. C. E. Heaney, secretary of the Omaha Hotel association, was instrumental in starting the classes. I. A. Medlar company company (sic) also co-operated by distributing hotel forms used by the trainees. Plans are being made to start another class within 10 days if enough interest is shown.