The Great Plains During World War II

'Tribute to Nebraskans'

Scrap Judges Hail 'Energy
and Patriotism' of People

World-Herald Bureau,

Lincoln, Aug. 25 .

The state salvage contest was a "tribute to the energy and patriotism of Nebraska people," the judges said today after completing their work. Their formal statement, commending The World-Herald for initiating the contest, follows:

"The people of Nebraska in the statewide contest just concluded have gathered millions of pounds of scrap metal and rubber, more than one hundred pounds of vital war material for every man, woman and child in the state. This is an accomplishment of which Nebraska can be proud. It is a tribute to the energy and patriotism of the people, an example for the whole nation.

"Upon examination of the reports submitted to the office of Mark T. Caster executive secretary of the state salvage committee, we find that the winners in the contest to be as herewith announced.

"We wish to compliment all of the winners for their efforts, and likewise every man, woman and child who helped to make Nebraska's splendid record possible.

"We wish to commend The Omaha World-Herald for its leadership and all agencies and organizations for their whole-hearted co-operation. We have appreciated the personal pleasure of having some part in this worthy activity.


"Judge E. F. Carter, chairman.

"Dr. Fred C. Wiegman.

"Max Junkin."