Women Learn
About Autos
Red Cross Motor Girls
Can Fix Cars
If you're looking for women who are afraid to get their hands dirty, you won't find them in the Red Cross motor corps.
More than 70 Omaha women have completed the mechanics' course required of motor corps members, a class of 22 is in training and more are being organized. The course is designed to train corps members in simple repairs and adjustments n their automobiles, and to enable them to diagnose trouble when away from assistance.
Thirty-one trained women gave more than 2,239 hours of service in this corps here from March to June, inclusive. In, addition to the l6-hour course in mechanics, members must complete standard and advanced first aid courses.
Part of the mechanics' course is lecture–but a good share of it is changing tires, putting on chains, cleaning park plugs, remedying vapor lock, cleaning clogged gas lines and diagnosing ignition trouble.
All corps members are trained in ambulance driving and are qualified to transport victims in case of accident, sabotage or enemy attack.