Omaha's Gift to Defense,
Aluminum, on the Way
The 53 thousand pound collection of pots, pans and other old articles colleted in Omaha last July during the nationwide drive to augment aluminum supplies for national defense finally started to move Thursday toward the channels of defense industry.
The collection was being loaded in railroad cars at the warehouse where it has been under police guard at Tenth and Seward streets. Loading was being done by a half dozen city workers, half loaned by the street department, the rest from the sewer department. All articles were loaded in original condition. Pressing would hinder salvage operations later, it was explained.
It will be shipped to an aluminum reduction firm at East Chicago, Ill. to be melted into ingots which, as government property, will await further requisition where ever needed in government defense construction work.
The transportation order came from the treasury procurement office in Lincoln, which takes over possession for the government. Early shipment was made impossible because of congestion at reduction plants.