The Great Plains During World War II

Taverns Ordered to Help
In Cleanup of Pueblo

Pueblo, Colo., May 25.–(I. N. S.)–A newly created military-civilian "co-operating" council at Pueblo was on record Thursday as advocating efforts of "self-policing" in regard to social problems caused by nearby army encampments.

At its initial meetings, the group decided that operators of taverns and rooming houses in the Pueblo area "must co-operate" and place civic welfare above "momentary profits."

Howard F. Feast, regional social protection representative, stated army recommendations already had been made for clearing up" Pueblo, and the council should see that such clean up policies were carried out.

Bert L. Beaty, president of the Pueblo city council, said "vice and drinking conditions" in the city were reported as having "approached alarming conditions" and the Pueblo police force "could not now handle the problem alone."